Парапсихологическая Ассоциация.Список членов

Парапсихология и психофизика. — 1995. — №1. — С.62-79.

Парапсихологическая Ассоциация.
Список членов на 9 февраля 1992


Parapsychological Association (PA)

Membership Directory 1992


Membership categories are indicated by the letter code inside the brackets following the name. They are interpreted as follows:

    [M] = Full Member

    [A] = Associate Member

    [H] = Honorary Member

Affiliates are indicated as follows:

    [R] = Regular Affiliate

    [S] = Student Affiliate

Telephone numbers, where given, are marked (W) for the work or business number, (H) for the home number.

Fax numbers and e-mail addresses are given when they have been supplied to the PA. If you need further information about using e-mail to communicate with PA members please contact Richard Broughton or Dean Radin.

Parapsychological Association, Inc.

P.O. Box 12236

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, U.S.A.

Telephone: 919 688-8241, FAX: 919 683-4338

(Courtesy of FRNM.)

List produced 9 Feb 1992

Alvarado, Carlos S. [M] Institute for Parapsychology, P.O. Box 6847,College Station, Durham, NC 27708
(W) (919)688-8241

Amadou, Dr.Robert [M] 15,rue Frederic Sauton, 75005 Paris, France, (W) 43-25-90-90, (H) Same

Amorim, Mr.Michel-Ange [A] 11 rue du Pont Hardy, 77400, Lagny sur Marne, France

Asis, Dr.Moises [A] La Rosa 503, Apt.4, Plaza de la Revolucion, 10600 Ciudad de La Habana 6, Cuba
(H) 79-1410

Auerbach, Mr.Loyd M. [A] 2330 Pleasant Hill Road, #6, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(W) (415)781-1707, (H) (510)930-8134, FAX 415-956-8430

Ballard, John A., Ph.D. [M] 1610 Hillside Drive, Beavercreec, OH 45432, (W) (513)327-7902, JBALLARD@Wittenberg.edu/FAX 513-327-6340

Benham, Dr.Katharine M. [A] Hockley Rise, Hockley Lane, Stoke Poges,Bucks. SL2 4QE, Engand
(W) 0753-663349, (H) Same

Bauer, Eberhard W., DipPsych [A] Roemerstrasse 17, D-7814 Breisach 3, Fed.Rep.Germany
(W) 0761-55035, (H) 07664-3067

Baumann, Dr.Stephen [A] 121 Dolphin, Galveston, TX 77550 (W) (409)763-6325, (H) (409)762-5046

Bayless, Mr.Raymond [A] 11348 Cashmere Street, Los Angees, CA 90049, (W) (213)476-3380, (H) (213)476-3380

Beloff, Dr.John [M] Dept.Psychol.Univ. of Edinburgh, George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland
(W) 031-650-3368, (H) 031-667-3200

Bem, Dr.Daryl J. [M] 301 Wyckoff Avenue, Ithaca, NY 14850-2443, (W) (607)255-6352, (H) (607)257-4839, daryl_bem@qmrelay.mail.Cornell.edu

Benor, Daniel J.,MD [A] 27 Priory Terrace, London NW6 4DG, England, (W) 071-624-3874, (H) same.

Berendt, Dr.H.C. [M] Henrietta Szold Str. 2, 96784 Kirjat Jovel. Jerusalem, Israel, (H) 00972-2-442239

Berger, Dr.Arthur S. [M] Survival Research Foudation, PO Box 63-0026, Miami, FL 33163-0026

Berger, Dr.Rick E. [M] 7027 Settlers Ridge, San Antonio, TX 78238, (H) (512)522-0888
(CompuServe) 70671,1254

Bertisch, Dr.Rivka [A] Ortiz de Ocampo 2545 — Apt.8-A, Buenos Aires, Argentina(1425)
(W) (541)802-6434, (H) Same

Bhandari, Dr.Anuradha [A] Deparment of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh — 160014, India

Bierman, Prof.Dick J. [A] Chair of Parapsychology, University of Utrecht, Postbus 80125, 3508 TC Utrecht, The Netherlands, (W) +31-30-532139/535029, pn_bierman@macmail.psy.uva.nl

Blackmore, Dr.Susan [A] Pear Tree Cottage, Greyfield Road, High Littleton, Brisnol, BS18 5YB, England
(W) 0272-303030 x 8570, (H) 0761-471583

Boerenkamp, Dr.H.G. [A] Hoofdstraat 3, 9463 PB EEXT (Drenthe), The Netherlands

Bosworth, Dr.Jack L. [A] AT&T Bell Laboratories 6200 East Broad Street, Columbus, OH 43213, (W) (614)860-4533, jlb1%cblph@research.att.com

Bowles, Ms.Norma L. [H] Box 69454, Los Angeles, CA 90069, (W) (213)276-9902

Boyes, Ms.Margaret King [A] Inst. Ethnoscience Studies, Box 186 GPO, Blackwood, South Australia 5051, Australia
(W) 08-2012249, (H) 08-3702798

Braude, Dr.Stephen E. [M] 7350 Mossy Brink Ct, Columbia, MD 21045, (W) (410)455-2103/2025, (H) (410)381-7866, FAX 410-455-1070

Braud, Dr.Lendell W. [M] 4130 FM 2854, Conroe, TX 77304, (W) (713)639-1015, (H) (409)588-2826

Braud, Dr.William [M] Mind Science Foundation, 8301 Broadway, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78209
(W) (512)821-6094, Compuserve 72607,1224

Brier, Dr.Robert [M] Philosophy Department, C W Post College, Greenvale, NY 11548, (W) (516)299-2341

Brodbeck, Dr.Timothy J. [A] Wild Carr Barn, Gressingham, Lancaster, England

Brooks, Dr.Richard W. [A] Oakland University, Department of Philosophy, Rochester, MI 48309-4401
(W) (313)370-3394, (H) (313)542-8276

Broughton, Dr.Richard S. [M] Institute for Parapsychology, Box 6847, College Station, Durham, NC 27708
(W) (919)688-8241
richard%fmm@cs.duke.edu / FAX 919-683-4338

Brusewitz, Mr.Goran [A] Heleneborgsgatan 21C, S-117 31, Stockholm, Sweden
(W) (8)7758000, (H) (8)6681353, FAX (8)7758353

Carison, Ms.Mary Lou [A] 3933 Lincoln Avenue, Oakland, CA 94602

Carpenter, Jim [M] 727 Eastowne Dr., Suite 300B, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, (W) (919)968-4901, (H) (919)732-8949

Carr, Dr.B.J. [A] 39 Windsor Road, Wanstead, London, E11 3QU, England
(W) 071-975-5491, (H) 081-989-04-03, FAX 081-981-9587

Cassoli, Dr.P. [M] via Valeriani, 39, 40134 Bologna, Italy (W) 051-4236976, (H) 051-411885

Chauvin, Prof.Remy [M] Le Chateau, 18380 Ivoy le Pre, France, (W) 48-58-91-72

Chevako, Mr.Robert J. [A] NWS Associates, Inc., 2605 School Street, P.O. Box 280, New Woodstock, NY 13122 (W) (315)662-3849, (H) (315)662-3841
FAX 315-662-3366 *2

Child, Dr.Irvin L. [M] Dept. of Psychology, Yale Univ., Box 11A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520-7447
(W) (203)288-2882, (H) Same

Clark, Dr.T.K. [M] 121 Crandon Circle, Beaver, PA 15009 (W) (412)624-4732, (H) (412)775-2303

Coly, Mrs.Eileen [H] Parapsychology Foundation, 228 East 71st Street, New York, NY 10021

Cook, Ms.Emily [A] 528 Locust Ave. Charlottesville, VA 22901, (W) (804)924-2281, (H) (804)296-2838, EWC2R@Virginia.EDU

Cox, Mr.Wm.Edward [M] 20 Southbrook Drive, Rolla, MO 65401, (W) (314)364-8633

Crandall, Dr.James E. [M] Department of Psychology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843
(W) (208)885-7508, (H) (208)882-7333, PARAP%IDUI1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU

Crumbaugh, Dr.James C. [M] Tally Arms Cond #32, Church Ave. & 16th St., Gulfport, MS 39507
(W) (601)896-7742, (H) Same

Curry, Dr.Leon Estese [A] P.O. Box 542, Metter, GA 30439 (W) (912)685-5715, (H) (912)685-2686

Davies, Dr.David [A] 135 Aspen, Dollard Des Ormeaux, Quebec, Canada H9A 2N9
(W) 514-421-4759, (H) 514-684-9233

Davis, Mr.James W. [M] 118 Monticello Ave, Durham, NC, 27707

Dean, Dr.E.Douglas [M] P.O. Box 377, Princeton, NJ 08542 (W) (609)924-7109, (H) Same

Delanoy, Dr.Deborah L. [M] Dept. Psychology, Univ. Edinburgh, 7 George Sq., Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland, UK, (W) 031-650-3367, (H) 0620-842274, D.Delanoy@Edinburgh.AC.UK

Dickstein, Mr.Mark L. [A] 4 Sawyer Road, Bolton, MA, 01740

Dierkens, Dr.Jean C. [A] rue Des Compagnons 17, 7000 Mons, Belgium
(W) 065-37-31-63, (H) 065-34-87-43, FAX

Dilley, Dr.Frank B. [A] Univ. of Delaware, Dept. of Philosophy, Newark, DE 19716, (W) (302)451-2359, Frank.Dilley@mvs.udel.edu / FAX 302-451-6321

Don, Ph.D.Norman S. [A] P.O. Box 258, Kenilworth, IL 60043, (W) (312)996-0833, (H) (708)997-1851
FAX 708-251-4138

Drewes, Ms.Athena A. [M] 4 Capital Dr, Washingtonville, NY 10992, (H) (914)496-5322

Drucker, Dr.Sally Ann [M] 818 N. Buchanan Blvd., Durham, NC 27701

Duplessis, Dr.Yvonne [M] Commission Effets Dermo-optiques, 67, avenue Raymond Poincare, 75116, Paris, France
(W) 4553-31-68, (H) Same

Dybvig, Dr.Magne [A] Lade Alle 27, Trondheim, Norway

Edge, Dr.Hoyt [M] Rollins College, Dept. of Philosophy & Religion, Campus Box 2659, Winter Park, FL 32789-4499, (W) (407)646-2178, (H) (407)629-2236, EDGE%Rollins.Bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu

Eisenberg, Dr.Howard [M] P.O. Box 1393, Stowe, VT, 05672

Eisenbud, Dr.Jule, [M] 4634 E Sixth Ave., Denver, CO 80220, (W) (303)333-4033, (H) Same

Ejvegaard, Rolf, Ph.D. [M] Hagmarksgatan 8C, 58235, Linkoping, Sweden
(W) +46 13 281803, (H) +46 13 128811

Ellison, Dr.Arthur J. [M] 10 Foxgrove Ave., Beckenham, Kent BR3 2BA, England, (H) 081-650-3801

Ellwood, Gracia Fay [A] Dept. of Religious Studies, Calif. State University, Long Beach, CA 90840, (H) (818)798-0409

Erwin, Mr.Stephen R. [A] P.O. Box 643, Coshocton, Ohio 43812, (W) (614)622-4422 ext 272, (H) (614)622-8903

Feather, Dr.Sally R. [M] 165 Madison Place, Ridgewood, NJ 07450, (W) (201)666-1556, (H) (201)447-0566

Feola, Dr.Jose M. [A] 3082 Montavesta Road, Lexington, KY 40502, (W) (606)233-8903

Foster, Jr., Dr.Lewis A. [A] 66 James Square, Williamsburg, VA 23185, (W) (804)253-2828, (H) Same

Franklin, Mr.Robert [H] Box 611, Jefferson, NC 28640
(W) (919)246-4460

Gauld, Dr.Alan [M] Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Nottingham, Nottingham, England NG7 2RD

Gaynor, Mr.Kerry [A] 2523 23rd St., Santa Monica, CA 90405, (W) (213)397-6622, (H) (213)397-6622

Gerber, Rebecca, B.C.D. [A] 69-66 230th St., Bayside Hills, NY 11364, (W) (718)225-3754

Giesier, Mr.Patric V. [M] 1738 Chicago Ave., No.801, Evanston, IL 60201

Gissurrarson, Dr.Loftur R. [A] Beykihlid 13, 105 Reykjavic, Iceland

Goldney, Mrs.K.M. [H] 154 Rivermead Court, Hurlingham, London SW6, England

Graff, Mr.Dale E. [A] 168 Windcliff Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Greville, Dr.T.N.E. [M] Box 152, Medical Center, University Of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22907, (H) (804)295-7939

Greyson, Dr.C.Bruce [M] 1179 Farmington Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06107
(W) (203)679-2938, (H) (203)521-3261, FAX 203-679-4077

Gross, Dr.Don H. [A] RD 6 Scaife Rd., Sewickley, PA 15143, (W) (412)741-2330, (H) Same

Grosso, Dr.Michael [A] 5400 Fieldstone Road #31C, Bronx, NY 10471-2554

Hagio, Prof.Shigeki [A] Department of Sociology, Kagoshima Keizai University, 8850, Shimofukumoto-cho, Kagoshima-shi, 891-01 Japan

Harada, Dr.Sailaja P. [A] 460-165 Oaza Kami Hirooka, Tsukubashi, Ibaraki Ken, T305 Japan, (H) 0298-57-7192

Haraldsson, Prof.Erlendur [M] Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, (W) +354-1-694528, (H) +354-1-42616, erlendur@rhi.hi.is / FAX +354-1-26806

Harary, Dr.Keith [M] Inst. for Advanced Psychology, 2269 Chestnut St. No.875, San Francisco, CA 94123
(W) (415)931-0650, FAX 415-928-0541

Hardy, Dr. Christine [A] 51 bis, Av.P.V. Couturier, 91390 Morsang sur Orge, France, (W) 33-1-69-04-1083

Hastings, Dr.Arthur [M] 2451 Benjamin Dr., Mountain View, CA 94043, (W) (415)326-1960, (H) (415)961-4703

Healy, Dr.Joan [A] 74-03 Commonwealth Blvd., Bellerose, NY 11426, (W) (718)464-1611

Hernandez Montis, Prof.Vicente [A] Canalejas 10, 41001 Sevilla, Spain

Heseltine, Dr.Gary [A] Star Rt. Box 86, Mico, TX 78056, (H) 512-751-3325

Honorton, Mr.Charles [M] Univ.Edinburgh/Dept.Psychology, 7 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland, UK
(W) 031-650-3063, (H) 031-339-6461, C.Honorton@edinburgh.ac.uk

Hornaday, Ms.Judith Ann Stewart [A] 22446 Estallens, Mission Viejo, CA 92692
(W) (714)856-4934, (H) (714)830-9289

Houtkooper, Dr.Joop M. [M] Houtkooper Software Engineering, De Maalkom 7, 1191 LP Ouderkerk a/d Amstel, The Netherlands, (W) 02-963-1281, (H) 02-963-1303

Hubbard, Mr.G.Scott [M] NASA Ames Research Center, Mail Stop 244-10, Moffett Field, CA 94035, gshubbard%nasamail@ames.arc.nasa.gov

Huby, Mrs.Pamela M. [A] 9, Princes Street, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4SL, England

Hygen, Dr.Georg [A] Gina Krogs vei 7 B, N-1153 Oslo 11, Norway, (W) 01-28-92-24, (H) same

Hynds, Frances J., Ph.D. [H] President, Matrix Works Inc., 1033 N.Carol Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90069
(W) (213)276-9161, (H) Same

Hovelmann, Mr.Gerd H. [M] Im Sohlgraben 18, 3550 Marburg/Lahn 7, Germany
(W) 06421-14143, (H) 06421-47405, FAX 06421-26209

Imich, Dr.Alexander [A] 305 W End Ave., New York, NY, 10023, (W) (212)874-6433, (H) Same

Inglis, Dr.Brian [M] Garden Flat, 23 Lambolle Road, London NW3 4HS, England, (W) 071-794-0297, (H) Same

Irwin, Prof.Harvey J. [M] Department of Psychology, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia 2351, (W) 067-73-2153, FAX 61-67-72-9816

Jack, Prof.William H. [A] RFD Box 619, Marlborough, NH 03455, (W) (603)899-4267, (H) (603)876-3797

Jacobs, Mr.Jeff [A] Postbus 7625, 5601 JP Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Jacobsson, Dr.Nils [M] Oppmannav.145, Barum, S-290 34 Fjalkinge, Sweden

Jones, Dr.Cecil B. «Scott» [A] 6435 Shady Lane, Falls Church, VA 22042-2335
(W) (703)761-4281, (H) (703)534-2423

Kanthamani, Dr.H. [M] Institute of Parapsychology, P.O. Box 6847, Durham, NC 27708
(W) (919)688-8241, FAX 919-683-4338

Kappers, Dr.J. [M] Oosterpark 84, 1092 AV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, (W) 020-921266, (H) 020-927757

Kasahara, Sama, Tosio [A] 146 Tokyo-to Ota-ku, Ikegami 2-7-10, Matui Byoin, Sinri Situ, Japan, FAX 03-3752-1119

Katz, Dr.Jeffrey Owen [A] 20 Stagecoach Road, Selden, NY 11784, (W) (516)696-3333, (H) (516)696-5242

Keane, Patrice [M] Executive Director, A.S.P.R., 5 West 73rd Street, New York, NY 10023, (W) (212)799-5050

Keil, Dr.H.H.J. [M] University of Tasmania, Box 252 C, GPO Hobard Tasmania, Australia 7001
(W) +61-02-202263, FAX +61-02-202883

Khilji, Dr.Anjum [M] 5806 Bradley Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20817, (H) (301)229-6394

Kinkead, Mr.Eugene [A] Rose Manor Arms, 51 North Broadway, Nyack, NY 10960

Knipe, Mrs.Laura F. [A] 117 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019, (W) (508)993-5173, (H) (212)247-7847

Knorles, Mr.Stephan [A] P.O. Box 443, Armidale, 2350, Australia

Korner, Ms.Kathleen M. Wilson [A] 3 Brantwood Avenue, Isleworth, Middlesex TW7 7EX, England

Kramer, Drs.W.H. [A] Egelantierstraat 46, 3551 GD Utrecht, The Netherlands

Krippner, Dr.Stanley [M] Saybrook Institute, 1550 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94109
(W) (415)441-5034, (H) (415)457-8306, FAX 415-441-7556

Krishna, Dr.Shanti R. [A] Dept. of Psych. & Parapsych., Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530003, India

Kugel, Dr.Wilfried [A] Richard Wagner Str. 7, D 1000 Berlin 10, Germany, (H) 030-341-4600, FAX 030-341-4963

Lapuerta, Miguel A.Romero [A] Av.Ciudad Barcelona-138, Esc.3.bajo, 28007 Madrid, Spain

Larson, Dr.Virginia [A] 2264 Featherhill Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108, (W) 805-969-5874

Leyhe, Mr.Edward W. [A] 4317 Mainfield Ave., Baltimore, MD 21214, (W) (410)830-3219, (H) (410)254-9419

Lowrie, Mr.Richard W. [A] 101 Lowrie Lane, Dade City, FL 33525

Lucadou, Dr.Walter Von [M] Hildastr 64, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany, (W) (761)77202, (H) (761)77869

Maher, Dr.Michaeleen [M] Apartment 39-S, 400 W 43rd St, New York, NY 10036, (W) (212)564-6265, (H) Same

Mainieri, Lic.Roberto [A] Inst. de Estudios Parapsicologico, SINFIM, Apartado 8000, Panama 7, Panama
(W) 52-4578, (H) 21-2602

Markwick, Miss Betty [A] 5 Thorncroft, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 1EU, England

Matlock, James G. [A] 20-17 37th Street, Astoria, NY 11105, (H) (718)204-5154

May, Edwin C., Ph.D. [M] Science Applications Int’l. Corp., Cognitive Sciences Laboratory, 1010 El Camino Real, Ste 330, Menlo Park, CA 94025, (W) (415)325-8292, may@hildegard.saicmp.com / FAX 415-325-8296

Mayne, Mr.Alan J. [A] 29 Fairford Crescent, Downhead Park, Milton Keynes MK15 9AF, England

McBeath, Michael K. [A] Psychology Dept. Bldg 420, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
(W) (415)725-2436, (H) (415)856-8477

McCarthy, Dr.Donald [A] 1591 East 52 St., Brooklyn, NY, 11234-3823
(W) (718)990-6285 ext 5207, (H) (718)258-1619, McCarthy@SJUVM.BITNET

McClenon, Dr.James [A] 1001 Jones Avenue, Elizabeth City, NC 27909, (W) (919)335-3330, (H) (919)335-5923

McConnell, Dr.R.A. [M] 430 Kennedy Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15214, (W) (412)624-4732, (H) (412)321-1213

McConnell, Mr.Tron [A] 430 Kennedy Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15214, (W) (412)268-3380, (H) (412)321-1213

McCormick, Ms.Donna L. [M] 20 Stagecoach Road, Selden, NY 11784, (W) (212)799-5050, (H) (516)696-3333

McHard, Dr.James F. [A] 33 Hazel Avenue, Dundee DD2 1QD, Scotland, UK, (H) 0382-66153

McKnight, Rev.David A. [A] 215 Hamrick Street, Staunton, VA 24401, (H) (703)885-9593

McMahan, Dr.Elizabeth [M] Carolina Meadows, Apt. #4-308, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, (H) (919)942-5321

Meier, Prof.Em.Carl Alfred [M] 8032 Zurich, Steinwiesstr. 37, Switzerland, (W) 01-251-9395

Michels, Drs.Hans [A] Synchronicity Research Unit, P.O. Box 7625, 5601 JP Eindhoven, The Netherlands
(W) 040-551010, FAX 040-571212

Milton, Dr.Julie [M] Dept. of Psych., U. of Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh, Scotland

Mishlove, Dr.Jeffrey [A] 48 Saint Francis Lane, San Rafael, CA 94901
(W) (510)548-4415, (H) (415)456-2532, FAX 510-548-4275

Morris, Mrs. Joanna D. [A] c/o Dr.Robert Morris, Dept. of Psych. Univ. Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland, UK, (W) 031-339-6461.

Morris, Prof.Robert L. [M] Department of Psychology, University of Edinburgh, 7 George Square, Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland, U.K., (W) 031-650-3348, (H) 031-339-6461, EJUA30@EDINBURGH.AC.UK. / FAX +44-31-667-7938

Munson, Mr.R.Jeffrey [A] 5959 Wurzbach Rd., Apt. B-4, San Antonio, TX 78238, (H) (512)647-4356

Nanko, Michael James, Ph.D. [A] 215 E.Berridge Lane, Phoenix, AZ 85012

Nash, Dr.Carroll B. [M] 16493 Horado Court, San Diego, CA 92128, (W) (619)487-2726, (H) (619)487-2726

Nash, Ms.Catherine S. [M] 16493 Horado Court, San Diego, CA 92128

Naumov, Mr.Edward K. [A] House 1, Block B, Apt. 60, pl. Pobedy, 121293 Moscow, Russia, (W) 148-45-45

Nelson, Dr.Roger D. [A] Princeton Eng. Anomalies Res., Princeton University, P.O. Box CN5263, Princeton, NJ, 08544-5263

Neppe, Prof. Vernon [M] Director, Div. Neuropsychiatry, Dept. Psychiatry, ZA99, Med. Sch, Univ. of Washington, Harborview, Seattle, WA 98104-2499
(W) (206)223-3425, (H) (206)526-5012, FAX 206-223-3236

Neville, Dr.Richard C. [A] 2380 Country Club Drive, Flagstaff, AZ 86004, (W) (602)523-5191, (602)526-3257

Oliva Moyano, Mr.Marcelo Fabian [A] Rua Visconde de Nova Granada No.2, Paraiso, CEP 01323 Sao Paulo, Brasil, (H) 287-6956

Onda, DR.Akira [M] 5-8-14 Minamisawa, Higashikurume-shi, Tokio, Japan, (W) 0424-61-6265, (H) same

Oram, Mr.Arthur T. [A] 7 Box Ridge Avenue, Purley, Surrey, CR8 3AR, England, (H) 081-660-3987

Osis, Dr.Karlis [M] 10 Douglas Road, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028-1107, (H) (201)743-2107

Otani, Prof.Em.Soji [M] 26-14, Chuo 4, Nakano, Tokyo 164, Japan, (W) 03-3381-9817, (H) Same

Palmer, Dr.John A. [M] Box6847, College Station, Durham, North Carolina 27708
(W) (919)688-8241, (H) (919)383-7230, john%fmm@cs.duke.edu / FAX (919)683-4338

Parker, Dr.Adrian [M] Gothenburg University, Dept. of Psychology, Box 14158, S-40020 Gothenburg, Sweden

Parra, Mr.Alejandro [A] Muniz 539 2do. Piso Dto. «A», Capital Federal (1234), Buenos Aires, Argentina
(H) 983-5593

Pasricha, Dr.Satwant [M] Dept. of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore 560 029, India

Percia de Carvalho, Mr.Andre [A] F.B.P.CIA, Rua Mariz e Barros, 65, Apt. 1101, Isarai, Niteroi, RJ, 24220 Brazil

Perlstrom, Mr.James R. [A] 701 Boulder Springs Dr. #B6, Richmond, VA 23225

Philipp, Dr.A.B. [A] 7 Bracknell Gardens, London NW3 7EE, England

Phillips, Dr.David T. [A] 5107 Calle Asilo, Santa Barbara, CA 93111
(W) (805)967-0922, (H) Same, FAX 805-967-6480

Phillips, Dr.Peter R. [A] Washington University, Department of Physics, St.Louis, MO 63130
(W) (314)889-6217, (H) (314)726-2647

Pilkington, Dr.Rosemarie [A] 30 Donna Ct., Apt.5, Staten Island, NY 10314, (W) (718)698-6552, (H) Same

Pope, Mrs.Dorothy H. [M] Box 6847, College Station, Durham, NC 27708, (W) (919)688-8241, (H) (919)489-4165

Powell, Mr.Ken F. [M] 85 Cross Ridge Rd., Chappaqua, NY 10514

Poynton, Prof.J.C. [A] Biology Dept., Univ. of Natal, Kg. Geo Ave., Durban 4001, South Africa
(W) 031-253411, (H) 031-813351

Price, Dr.E.Allan [A] 5/29 Nitze Blvd., 42269 Netanya, Israel

Puthoff, H.E., Dr. [M] A-232, Inst. Advanced Studies/Austin, 1301 Capital of Texas Hwy S., Austin, TX 78746
(W) (512)328-5751

Quider, Robert-Peter F. [M] 607 Tailwind Drive, Sacramento, CA 95838

Radin, Dr.Dean [M] GTE Laboratories, MS 38, 40 Sylvan Road, Waltham, MA 02254, (W) (617)466-2477, dir2@gte.com, FAX: 617-290-0627

Rammohan, Dr.V.Gowri [A] Dept.of Psych. & Parapsychology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam 530 003, India

Rao, Dr.H.Hanumanth [M] Box 6847, College Station, Durham, NC 27708

Rao, K.Ramakrishna [M] Institute For Parapsychology, PO Box 6847, Durham, NC 27708
(W) (919)688-8241, FAX (919)683-4338

Rao, Prof.P.V.Krishna [A] Andhra University, Inst. for Yoga & Consciousness, Vizianagaram Pal., Pedda Waltair, Visakhapatnam 530 023 India
(W) 0891-54795, (H) 0891-55102

Reichbart, Richard, Ph.D. [M] 60 West Ridgewood Ave., Ridgewood, NJ 07450
(W) (201)444-1418

Reinsel, Ruth Anne, Ph.D. [A] 305 W.13th Street Apt.2-J, New York, NY 10014
(W) (212)639-8111, (H) (212)691-0957

Richards, Dr.Douglas G. [A] Atlantic University, P.O. Box 595, Virginia Beach, VA 23451, (W) (804)428-3588

Rivers, Mrs.Olivia B. [A] 3003 Farm Road, Alexandria, VA, 22302, (W) (703)549-4611

Robertson, Dr.Alan W. [A] 359 Mearns Rd., Newton Mearns, Glasgow G77, Scotland

Robinson, Ms.Diana [M] Dept. of Psychology, University Of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, (H) (716)473-8396

Rockwell, Dr.Theodore [M] 3403 Woolsey Drive, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, (W)(301)652-9509, (H) (301)652-9509
FAX 301-652-0534 (voice first)

Rogers, Dr.David Price [M] FRNM, P.O. Box 6847, Durham, NC 27708

Roig, Dr.Miguel [A] 31 Lincoln Ave., Rumson, NJ 07760
(W) (718)390-4513, (H) (908)758-1347

Roll, Prof.William G. [M] Psychology Department, West Georgia College, Carrollton, GA 30118, (H) (404)836-8696

Roney-Dougal, Dr.Serena M. [A] Psi Research Centre, 14 Selwood Road, Glastonbury, Somerset BA6 8HN, Great Britain, (W) 0458-33062

Rueda, Mr.Sergio A. [A] Institute for Parapsychology, P.O. Box 6847, Durham, NC 27708-6847

Ruffles, Mr.Thomas [A] 75 Ulverscroft Road, East Dulwich, London SE22 9HF, England, (H) +44 81 693-8932

Ruiz, Joyce G. [A] 1901 Ocaso Camino, Fremont, CA 94539

Rush, Dr.Joseph H [M] 1765 Sunset Blvd, Boulder, CO 80304, (W) (303)443-1015, (H) Same

Saklani, Dr.Alok [A] Garhwal University, Post Box 45, Srinagar, U.P. 246 174, India

Schechter, Dr.Ephraim I. [M] 620 Pearl St., Unit E, Boulder, CO 80302, (W) (303)492-7067 SCHECHTER_E@CUBLDR.COLORADO.EDU

Schlitz, Ms.Marilyn S. [M] Mind Science Foundation, 8301 Broadway, Suite 100, San Antonio, TX 78209
(W) (512)821-6094

Schmeidler, Dr.Gertrude R. [M] 17 Kent Ave., Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706, (H) (914)478-3727

Schmidt, Dr.Helmut [M] Mind Science Foundation, 8301 Broadway, Suite 100, San Antonio, Texas 78209
(W) (512)821-6094

Schouten, Dr.Sybo A. [M] Oeverstraat 26, 3961 AN Wijk bij Duurstede, Netherlands, (W) 30-533824
Schouten@cc.ruu.nl / FAX 30-534511

Schriever, Ms.Friederike [A] Himbeersteig 64, W-1000 Berlin 38, Germany
(W) +49-30-838- 5844, (H) +49-30-803 1504 Friederike.Schriever@Erziehung.FU-Berlin.dbp.de

Schwartz, Mr.Stephan A. [A] The Mobius Society, 4801 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 320, Los Angeles, CA 90010

Schwarz, Berthold E., MD [M] P.O. Box 4030, Vero Beach, FL 32964-4030, (W) (407)231-5220, (H) (407)231-5597

Sehgal, Dr.Meena [A] Department of Psychology, Panjab University, Chandigarh, 160014, India, (W) 541739

Servadio, Prof.Emilio [M] via Di Villa Emiliani 4 Int.7, l 00197 Rome, Italy, (W) 06-8086408, (H) Same

Shields, Mrs.Eloise [A] Singing Springs Village — #10, 5455 8th Street, Carpinteria, CA 93013
(W) (805)684-6848, (H) Same

Shrager, Dr.Elaine [A] 140 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11215, (H) (718)230-0126

Smith, Michael F. [A]

Sondow, Dr.Nancy [M] 789 West End Ave., Apt.5D, New York, NY 10025, (H) (212)866-1539

Sprinkle, R.Leo, Ph.D. [A] 1425 Steele Street, Laramie, WY 82070, (W) (307)721-5125

Stanford, Dr.Rex G. [M] St.John’s Univ-Marillac Hall, Psych Lab-SB15, Jamaica, NY 11439, (W) (718)990-1550

Stevenson, Dr.David [A] 22 Blacket Place, Edinburgh EH9 1RL, Scotland, (W) 031-667-3748, (H) Same, ds@castle.ed.ac.uk / FAX 031-667-6129

Stokes, Dr.Douglas M. [M] 219 Sugartown Rd. P303, Wayne, PA 19087

Stone, Mr.W.Clement [H] W.Clement Stone Enterprises, P.O. Box 649, Lake Forest, IL 60045

Strong, Richard A. [A] Psychic Science Int’l S.I.G., 7514 Belleplain Dr., Huber Heights, OH 45424-3229
(W) (513)255-4782, (H) (513)236-0361
Compuserve 71446,1462

Sturrock, Prof.Peter A. [A] Ctr.Space Science & Astrophys., Stanford University, ERL 306, Stanford, CA 94305
(W) (415)723-1438, sturrock@flare.stanford.edu

Taetzsch, Mr.Robert L. [M] 12 Colburn Road, E Brunswick, NJ 08816, (W) (908)704-4680, (H) (201)247-1829

Targ, Mr.Russell [M] 80 Hayfield Road, Portola Valley, CA 94028, (W) (415)424-2436, (H) (415)851-1331, Targ@galaxy.decnet.Lockheed.com

Tart, Dr.Charles T. [M] 1675 Visalia, Berkeley, CA 94707, (W) (415)526-2591, cttart@ucdavis.edu

Tedder, William [A] 3288 S.Dudley Ct., Lakewood, CO 80227-4718

Tercero, Dr.Xavier [A] Presa Reventada 110, San Jeronimo, Del. Contreras, Mexico 10200, DF, Mexico

Terry, Dr.James C. [M] P.O. Box 400, Spring Branch, TX 78070, (W) (512)657-8636, (H) (512)885-4053

Thalbourne, Dr.Michael [M] Dept. Psychology/Univ. Adelaide, G.P.O. Box 498, Adelaide, Sth. Australia 5001, Australia

Timm, Dr.Ulrich [A] Auwaldstr. 98, D-7800 Freiburg, Germany

Tolaas, Mr.Jon [A] Eids Vidg. Skule, 6770 Nordfjordeid, Norway, (W) 057-60246, (H) 057-60357

Trevino-Becerra, Dr.C. [A] Apartado Postal 12-699, 03000, Mexico, D.F., Mexico, (W) 523-03-15, (H) 604-56-59

Tribbe, Mr.Frank C. [A] 6415 E. Donna Gail Drive, Penn Laird, VA 22846, (W) (703)289-5830, (H) Same

Tringali, Mr.Steven V. [A] 81 Bellingham Street, Chelsea, MA 02150, (W) (617)574-9601, (H) (617)884-2501,
FAX 617-574-9604

Truzzi, Dr.Marcello [A] Dept. of Sociology, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
(W) (313)487-0012, (H) (517)522-3551

Utts, Dr.Jessica [M] Division of Statistics, University of California, Davis, CA 95616
(W) (916)752-6496, (H) (916)795-1864,
jmutts@ucdavis.edu / FAX 916-752-9704

van Blaaderen, Dr.Maria R.M. [A] Dept. of Social Sciences, Eastern Montana College, Billings, MT 59101
(W) (406)259-1977

Varvoglis, Dr.Mario P. [M] 51 bis, Av P. V. Couturier, 91390 Morsang S/Orge, France, (W) 331-69041083

Vaughan, Mr.Alan J. [A] 3223 Madera Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90039, (W) (213)666-7243

Vilenskaya, Ms.Larissa [A] Psi Research, 216 Power Lane, Tahlequah, OK 74464

Wagner, Dr.Mahlon W. [A] Psychology Department, S.U.N.Y. Oswego, Oswego, NY 13126
(W) (315)341-4013, (H) (315)699-9223

Watt, Ms.Caroline A. [A] Dept. Psychology, Univ Edinburgh, 7 George Sq., Edinburgh EH8 9JZ, Scotland, UK
(W) 031-650-3349

Weiner, Ms.Debra [M] 417A S. Greensboro Street, Carrboro, NC 27510

Wells, Mr.Roger Andrew [A] P.O. Box 8033, U T Station, Knoxville, TN 37916

West, Dr.D.J. [M] 32 Fen Road, Milton, Cambridge CB4 6AD, England, (H) 233-860308

White, Ms.Rhea [M] 2 Plane Tree Lane, Dix Hills, NY 11746, (W) (516)271-1243, (H) Same

Wiklund, Nils, Ph.D. [M] Vanadisvagen 36, S-113 46 Stockholm, Sweden
(W) +46 8 306304, (H) +46 8 306304

Wolfson, Dr.William Q. [A] 3000 Seminole, Detroit, MI 48214, (W) (313)478-8960, (H) (313)922-1360

Wynn, Dr. William H. [A] Psych. Dept., Univ. of Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2, Canada
(W) 306-585-4220, (H) 306-584-0245

Xu, Dr., Hong Zhang [A] Am Hirschberg 10, D-5900 Siegen 21, F.R. Germany
(W) +49 271 740 4171, (H) +49 271 42113, xu@hrz.uni-siegen.dbp.de, FAX: +49 271 74515

Yerger, Mme.Eloise B. [A] 2275 Chico Lane, Yuma, AZ 85365, (H) (602)726-5938

Zangari, Mr.Wellington [A] Rua Aguapei, 31 Apto 121, Tatuape, Cep 03325, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

Zingrone, Ms.Nancy L. [M] 106 Newell St., Durham, NC, 27705, (W) (919)493-5051, (H) (919)382-0031, 72240.3357@Compuserve.com

Zsambok, Dr.Caroline E. [A] 5464 Sherfield Drive, Dayton, OH 45426, (W) (513)767-2691, (H) (513)837-4096


Dalton, Ms.Kathy [S] c/o FRNM, P.O. Box 6847, Durham, NC 27708

Day, Mr.Douglas [S] 3953 Seven Trees Blvd., Apt. 94, San Jose, CA 95111

Epstein, Dr.Michael S. [R] Nat.Inst.Standards & Technology, Room B-222 Chemistry Bldg., Gaithersburg, MD 20899
(W) (301)975-4114, (H) (301)831-7992

Flick, Ms.Barbara [R] 2226 Meadowview Drive, Garland, TX 75043

Harris, Mr.George A. [R] 1483 Anita St., Carpinteria, CA 93013, (W) (805)684-5629

Horning, Ms.Edna Cunningham [R] 116 Southern Pine Rd., Columbia, SC 29223, (H) (803)699-1434

Mclvor, Daniel L., Ph.D. [R] 1776 Fowler, Suite #2, Richmond, WA 99352

Roe, Mr.Christopher A. [S] 12/25 Abbey Lane, Abbeyhill, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.

Rosengard, Ms.Pamela M. [R] 336 8th Ave., Santa Cruz, CA 95062

Shen, Prof.Han-Chang [R] Dept.Information & Control Eng., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1954 Hua Shan Road, Shanghai 200030, P.R.China, (W) 310310

Teylor, Mr.Robin [S] 49 Pettycur Rd., Kinghorn, Fife KY3 9RN, Scotland, U.K.

Tierney, Dr.Ian R. [R] The Keil Centre, 5 South Lauder Road, Edinburgh EH9 2HJ, U.K.
(W) 031-447-0884, FAX 031-667-7946

Zha, Mr.Leping [S] Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, University of Pittsburgh, 3941 O’Hara Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (W) (412)268-3263, (H) (412)687-3325, LNZST1@vms.cis.pitt.edu

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